Carbon Backfill for Electrical Grounding

Our electrical grounding backfill is an excellent product for lightning mitigation concerns.

North Central Processing (NCP) grounding backfill materials significantly reduce the resistance to earth of grounding systems, especially in areas of poor conductivity such as dry, sandy or rocky terrain. Structures at high risk of electrical strikes, power surges, switching impulses or structures exposed to high electrical currents need grounding backfill to protect them from the adverse effects of electrical surges.

NCP’s backfill:

NCP removes the dust from all our metallurgical coke breeze grounding backfill to increase performance and ease of handling.

Our grounding backfill is packaged in supersacks or 50 pound bags and may be poured or mixed with water to form a slurry and pumped.

Please contact us if you would like more information, samples or quality reports about our carbon backfill grounding products.